About PCclinic
PCclinic idea came from any medical clinic, they help people, treat them, and make them happier.
I thought that every home has a computer, laptop, network, internet, tablets, phones, and maybe all of them. We treat our devices with care, maybe because they hold critical data, history from the past, or a futuristic project.
I personally treat my devices as another person at home, they need care and treatment so they give their best performance and stay alive. As any person, devices suffer of many issue, viruses, spams, errors, system corruptions, missing files, or hardware problems.
When we get sick we may treat it with painkillers but that doesn't work all the times. Same thing goes with electronics, you may be able to fix some issues, but others they require a professional so the case doesn't go worse ending with missing your data or worse.

Don't worry, I'm here to fix those issues, and troubleshoot them.
Whatever the problem is related to, PC, Laptop, Wireless or Wired Network, Configurations, System errors, Patition problems, Deleted files, New setups, NAS, etc, that's my field of experience.
For more information about services I offer, visit the services page.
Network problem are complicated, can't be taken outside home or office to fix, not only that, why to carry your system around, wasting your time when you have someone to come into your place and charge you the same if not less!
My mission is to make your life easier with nowadays technology issues all around you, at your home or office.